Capturing traffic through the TCL API


When you are using our TCL API to transmit your traffic you can use the Rx.Capture of a ByteBlower Port to create a capture. Using our API allows you to automate when to create a capture. Let your script determine when you need to create a capture.

All you need is the Rx.Capture.Add call on your ByteBlower Port.


Just like you add a Trigger to a ByteBlower port you can add a Capture. On this capture-object you can set a capture filter and thus define which frames you would like to see captured. After that just start the capture and you are all set. Now let's put these simple words into a working script.

For this post, we assume we have created a back-to-back scenario with:

  • Two configured ByteBlower ports srcPort and dstPort
  • a stream Stream configured to flow between srcPort and dstPort
Create the capture on the destination port

set dstPortCapture [ $dstPort Rx.Capture.Add ]

Now you have a capture Object. Using the Tk command you can visualize it to see what you can do with this object.

It is important to set a capture filter on this capture. This will allow you to capture only the packets you are interested in.

$capture Filter.Set "dst port 513"

The filter must be a BPF filter.  Have a look at our cheatsheet (📄 BPF cheatsheet) or on to find more info on the syntax of these filters and some day-to-day examples.

Start the capture

You can start the capture now.

$capture Start

Now start your traffic and every frame that matches your filter will be captured. You can see how many frames have been captured with the in the result capture object:

set captureResult [ $capture Result.Get ]
$captureResult Refresh

$captureResult PacketCount.Get

Stop the capture

Like the start-method there is a stop method the capturing.

$capture Stop

To retrieve your pcap-file use the Pcap.Save method.

$captureResult Refresh
$captureResult Pcap.Save "C:/Users/Excentis/Sniffs/DeviceX.pcap"

On your disk, you will find DeviceX.pcap containing the packets that matched your filter that arrived on your ByteBlower destination port (destPort). If you want, you can use Frames.Get to retrieve a TCL-list containing the packets represented in hex-encoding. This way you could use TCL to parse your retrieved packets...

More info on the TCL API

You can find the API documentation of the RxCapture here: