Latency CDF and CCDF graphs
Introduction | In this article, we explain why this graph was introduced and how to interpret it! We end with some warnings and some FAQs. Let's start with an example graph: |
Why? | One of the things you can do with ByteBlower is measure network latency.
Below are examples of such graphs: The graph above shows how the latency evolved over time.
How to interpret it | Quick tip: flows at the left have a lower latency.
For each flow, a line is plotted. When a plot crosses the P99 line, 99% of the packets of that flow have been received successfully.
At the top of the graph, you can see for each flow when the first packets were received. All axes have a logarithmic scale:
Possible warnings and how to avoid them. | The graph may contain warnings.
Frequently asked questions | Why does the plot stop before reaching 100%? Why do some plots have rugged ends? Only a few packets were received with such a high latency. You can see this clearly in the corresponding Latency Histogram: Do you have any questions? |