Using the RFC-2544 wizard
Getting started | RFC-2544 is a test methodology to test throughput, latency, etc. The GUI supports the test which estimates the throughput of your network. The main advantage is that you have proper control over a number of parameters. The drawback is that RFC-2544 test runs tend to take quite some time. More details can be found at RFC 2544: Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices ( The RFC-2544 wizard will create a couple of ports, a flow, and a scenario for you to run. This is very similar to any of the other traffic flows (FrameBlasting, TCP). |
Port configuration | The first 3 screens provide an introduction and give you the chance to configure the source and destination of the test. These steps are the same as the other wizards. The result of the steps in the screenshots below is two new ByteBlower ports:
Both are regular ByteBlower ports. The config below, they receive their IPv4 address through DHCP. As will be shown further, you can still change the ports afterwards. |
RFC-2544 specific parameters | Only in the final window, you'll find RFC-2544 specific parameters. You'll need to configure the following 3 items:
As we've said in the intro, the main drawback of RFC-2544 tests is their duration. Only the first two parameters have an impact on the duration. On each change, the total duration shown at the bottom of the window is updated. This total duration is an estimate but in most situations, the test will finish a lot sooner. |
The project | The end result of this Wizard is seen in these places:
All three windows are shown in the screenshot below. |
Running the test |
The report |
IPv6 | The RFC-2544 flow can handle IPv6 ByteBlower ports. Since the wizard default generates IPv4 ports you'll need to reconfigure your project a bit. You've got two options:
Edit frame sizes and loss level | To change the frame sizes and loss level, go to the Flow-view and right-click on the Flow Template. In the popup menu select "Jump to Edit..." Here you now can change the frame sizes and the acceptable frame loss of the RFC2544 flow |