Canceling Scenarios on ByteBlower Endpoints
Introduction |
Sometimes you have a test running and realize that you want to modify some settings and start all over. ByteBlower Endpoints can be canceled remotely since version 2.19.0. You can now choose if you want the ByteBlower Endpoint to
Every heartbeat signal is an opportunity to exchange information. This way, a command can be sent to each ByteBlower Endpoint to cancel the running scenario. |
Heartbeat vs Silent | Heartbeat Mode
When enabled, you can cancel tests from within your GUI.
Old Versions | In old ByteBlower Endpoints, with a version before 2.19.0, the app stopped heartbeating to the Meeting Point while a test scenario was running. While running a test, all ByteBlower Endpoints went into "Silent Mode". The downside of this is that you have to wait until the end of the test until the Wireless Endpoint becomes reachable again. So, you can not cancel such a test remotely.