Configure IPMI Interface


In this "How to" article, we are going to show you how you can configure or change the IP address assigned to the IPMI interface.

If you would like more background information on the IPMI interface, you can find that here in a previous article.

A video tutorial of this process demonstrates the steps in the article.

Step 1: Log in to the ByteBlower server
Login to the ByteBlower server using Console or SSH

Step 2: Save the current configuration

Save the current IPMI network configuration to a file. This can be done with the bmc-config tool.  BMC is the old name. Run the following command:

  • bmc-config --checkout --section=Lan_Conf --filename=ipmi-network.conf

Step 3: Edit the configuration

In order to configure the IP, we must open the IPMI config file. We will do this using nano. Run the following command.

  • nano ipmi-network.conf

You will now be in the IPMI config file

  • In this case, DHCP is set
  • We are going to change this to a static IP address
  • We use "Static" to do so and choose our IP address
  • In this example: IP address =  and the default gateway  =

  • Now add the new configuration

Step 4: Save and exit
  • Use ctrl-o to save the file (press enter to confirm).

  • You will see that it says "Wrote (number) lines"
  • Use ctrl-X to return to the shell 

Step 5: Load it into the IPMI controller

The purpose of this step is to update the IPMI controller with the new network configuration. Run the following command

  • bmc-config --commit --filename=ipmi-network.conf

Step 6: Verify the result
  • bmc-config --checkout --section=Lan_Conf