Save Current Configuration: Traffic Interfaces


This article will cover how to save your server's current traffic interface configuration. When is this helpful? 

- If you would like to temporarily configure a trunking interface into a nontrunk interface. 

- If you will be working on the traffic interfaces of your server and do not want to "break" anything. 

On Server Versions 

On recent versions (2.14+) the configuration is saved on the server's following directory: 


Make a copy of this file and save it as a backup.

To revert any changes that you may have made, simply copy the backup file to the server_config.xml file located in the directory listed above.

On older versions Prior to 2.14

On older versions the file name is port_cfg.xml and is located on the following directory:  /etc/opt/ByteBlower/port_cfg.xml

Make a copy of this file and save it as a backup.

To revert any changes that you may have made, simply copy the backup file to the port_cfg.xml file located in the directory listed above.

Updating Server

The server will upgrade the port_cfg.xml file to the new server_config.xml when the server updates to a 2.14+ version.