Upgrade a ByteBlower server


When a new ByteBlower server software version has been released, the ByteBlower server requires a software update.

This "How to" describes how to update a ByteBlower server.

Recommended: From the ByteBlower GUI 

Starting from version 2.5, the server can be upgraded from the GUI. This has the additional benefit that the server doesn't need an internet connection!

The following animated GIF shows you how you can easily upgrade a server directly from the GUI.

Once the upgrade has been initiated on the server (last step of the wizard). The server will reboot to the new version. This process might take up to +/- 10 min with some additional automatic reboots. After 10min your system is ready. You can check the version in the server view (refresh the server)

Failed Upgrade? 

The client running the GUI must be able to reach our update servers and make ssh connection with the servers that it is attempting to update. 

To check if your pc can reach our update server, this link should be accessible: http://bbdl.excentis.com/gui/64bit_2.x

If this site in not reachable, it is likely a network setting (proxy configured) is blocking access to our servers. Please also work with your IT to have the available ports available for the Byteblower as described here.