Running a 'Quick self-test'


The purpose of this article is to help new users of the ByteBlower system get started in an easy and efficient manner. When first setting up your ByteBlower, an example project is provided in order to gain familiarity with the GUI. In the following sections, we will guide you step-by-step through the process of:

  1. Downloading the example project 'Quick Self-Test'.
  2. Running the 'Quick Self Test' by explaining how to connect the ports and giving a brief look at the various parameters that are used.
  3. Troubleshooting - What to do if the test does not work as expected.

By the end of this article, we hope that you have had a successful first interaction with the ByteBlower GUI!

Downloading the project 

  •  In your case, this may have already been done. If not, you can choose the appropriate installation manual.
  • In this example, we have highlighted the 5100. Choose the correct manual for your ByteBlower server.
  • You will be taken to the page that explains how to install your new ByteBlower system. Once you have done that, scroll down to the following section.
What is the 'Quick Self-Test and why is it useful?
  • The purpose of this test is to see if your ByteBlower server is working correctly. 
  • The test uses a back-to-back wired connection between ports 1 and 2.
  • This means that there are no other switches or intermediate devices involved in the test.
  • If the test is set up correctly and no traffic is generated or received → We know there is a problem with the server itself.
  • The test works by generating a frame blasting flow, which simulates traffic, and sending it from one trunk port to the other.

This example test represents a downstream data flow from a server to a client device.

Next: 📄 Running the test